Release notes for 0.9.2 (2012-08-29)

This time no package is available for 64bit Linux. Sorry…

This release and all recent work about support material and multiple extruders is sponsored by LulzBot. Check out their products!

New features:

  • new separate options for retraction length to be used when switching between multiple extruders
  • new option to disable retraction when moving between infill paths inside the same island
  • new option to configure the threshold for enforcing solid infill
  • export plates as AMF constellations (…next version will be able to import them back ;-))


  • smarter retraction in multi-extruder prints
  • always connect infill paths, preventing gaps and unnecessary retractions
  • avoid backwards moves when doing honeycomb infill
  • accept newline as separator for post-processing scripts in the GUI


  • temperature-related M-codes for the Teacup firmware were updated to the most recent ones


  • the “Delete” button in the Plater was causing crashes
  • brim was positioned incorrectly if no skirt was enabled
  • fixed regression causing some bridges not to be detected correctly
  • crazy temperatures were written when using sequential printing
  • removed warnings caused by output filenames containing the % character